
Company Profile

Silver Grant International Holdings Group Limited (formerly named Silver Grant International Industries Limited), formerly known as International Industries Limited, was incorporated on January 27, 1960 and was listed on The Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on February 23, 1973 (stock code: 00171.HK). In May 1993, China Construction Bank and the former China Nonferrous Metals Corporation became the shareholders of International Industries Limited and it was renamed as Silver Grant International Industries Limited in October 1993. Since 1993, China Construction Bank, China Nonferrous Metals Corporation (former), China Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd. and China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group Co., Ltd. have successively become the substantial shareholders of the Company. On October 31, 2018, Zhuguang Holdings (stock code: 01176.HK) became the largest shareholder of Silver Grant International. By now, Silver Grant International Holdings Group Limited has developed into a large company group that principally engages in asset management, funds, financial services, production and sale of petrochemical products and property leasing.
  • 63years

    Group's Establishment

  • 50years

    Group's Listing

  • 4

    Business Types

  • 2

    Substantial Shareholders

Group's Businesses


  • 銀建國際(00171.HK)石化業務蓄勢待發 不良資產業務多元化發展

石化板塊回暖 銀建國際(0171.HK)後市可期

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銀建國際完成石化業務重組 開啟高質量增長模式


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